Monday, July 21, 2014

The Broughton’s

The Islets through Spring Channel
We exited Lagoon Cove via Knight Inlet and headed west then northwest meandering through the rocky islets of Spring Passage, then northward through Retreat Passage, and finally westward through Blunden Passage. 
Spring Channel
Yes, we are now officially in the Broughton Island Group, a never ending maze of islands, passages, channels, and coves with hidden nooks and crannies in every direction.  We made it!  Although it was overcast, the scenery was lovely and intriguing, beckoning us on at every turn.  
Gwa-yas-dums V illage, Gilford Is.
We passed Gilford Island with the native village of Gwa-yas-dums along its western shore. 
Village Longhouse
According to our friends Peter and Carla, authors of the “Broughton Islands Cruising Guide,” the village welcomes visitors and encourages guests to participate in their festivities, including the annual National Aboriginal Day celebrated on June 21st.  
The Broughton Islands Appear Endless
Since it was after the noon hour, we decided to continue motoring through the islands, exploring the various coves looking for the perfect anchorage.  We entered “Monday Anchorage” on Tracey Island and immediately said “this is it.”  
Maze of Islands & Channels, The Broughton's
A lovely spot containing coves within a cove, surrounded by thick forest and rocky islets, each with their own mini forest.  Coincidentally, it was actually Monday! We wondered where "Tuesday Anchorage" might be.  No worries, w
"Monday Anchorage" on Tracey Island
e found ourselves in a beautiful, peaceful setting hidden from the world.     

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