Sunday, June 1, 2014

A Short Respite

Parks Bay
We motored over to Parks Bay on Shaw Island and dropped the hook, a nice quiet place to give my hand some time to heal and wait for the swelling to go down.  Parks Bay is only 2 miles northeast of Friday Harbor but has a remote feel since very few boats come into the bay.  
Parks Bay and Biological Preserve
Most of the land surrounding the anchorage is a Biological Preserve, owned and operated by the University of Washington so going ashore is not allowed.  
Looking northwest from Parks Bay
Fishing in the bay is also restricted to preserve the underwater habitat.  These restrictions, however, make for a very peaceful setting and the bay provides a fabulous view of the sunset.  We spent a couple of nights in Parks Bay enjoying the solitude.  
A Beautiful Sunset, Parks Bay
My hand was nearly back to normal, minus the ring of course.  Then it became apparent that we needed to do some backtracking.  A trip to Portland to help my mother with some follow-up business was needed, so we motored back to Anacortes where I could rent a car for the drive south.  In the meantime Leonard could finish up his dinghy repairs.  Stay tuned for more adventures, both on and off the water.     

1 comment:

  1. We miss you both and are happily following along with you on your voyage. So sorry to hear about your hand (and your ring!) and so glad you are on the mend! Wishing you, Leonard, and your mom well. ~Jessie & Neil
